Our world is frozen®

At Wohlins, it means problem-solving and competence when it matters. We specialize in sustainable solutions for warehousing, logistics and transportation of temperature-sensitive food. We have total control over the entire logistics chain with unbroken cold and frozen chains. Our focus is to solve our customers’ problems and maintaining order and organization. We love structure, flexibility, and speed. There you have a picture of our everyday life.

Ice cold logic

We think a little bit like Ingmar Stenmark and Pippi Longstocking in our business. Stenmark because he got more and more lucky, the more he trained. The more special situations we solve at Wohlins, the more skilled we become. And sometimes when we take on really complicated and unknown projects, we think like Pippi: we have never done this before, we’re probably good at this!

Handling ice cream requires skill and know-how

Ice cream is a delicate food. It starts thawing already at -18°C. Minus eighteen! Keeping the entire freezer chain during transport and storage is extremely important. Our entire business started with ice cream and we still have ice cream expertise, which means we specialize in extra demanding frozen foods.